

John Budd has been elected President of the Association of Library and Information Science Education (ALISE).

Some of my favorite Budd writings include:
  • Knowledge and Knowing in Library and Information Science : A Philosophical Framework (Scarecrow Press, 2001). [received the Highsmith Library Literature Award in 2002].
  • "The Library, Praxis and Symbolic Power." Library Quarterly 73 (January 2003): 19-32.
  • "User-Center Thinking Lessons from Reader-Centered Theory." RQ (summer 1995): 487-496.
  • "An Epistemological Foundation for Library and Information Science:Positivism vs. Hermeneutical Phenmenology."Library Quarterly 65 (July 1995): 295-318.
One of Budd's stated goals as president: "to strengthen the connections—in substantive and sustainable ways—with affiliated organizations, especially ALA and ASIST. These connections will enhance education and we can enhance the discourse of the other organizations."