
Negroponte-Vietnam, Honduras, Nicaragua, Iraq

The National Security Archive has an interview with John Negroponte
about his time as officer-in-charge for Vietnam at the National Security Council (1971-1973). Intervention Magazine sees parallels between the quagmires of Iraq and Vietnam. Negroponte served as ambassador to Honduras under Reagan from 1981-1985 and, as Watt details it, worked to crush Sandanista resistance to U.S. hegemony in Nicaragua. Negroponte has also been ambassador to the United Nations, Mexico and the Phillipines. On Negroponte's nomination to the United Nations Maryknoll detailed Human Rights violations during his service.
Negroponte as Bush's national intelligence director sends the world the wrong message about U.S. on torture, says Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News.

John Pilger
The New Rulers of the World
Verso, 2003