In the 1970's, Gerald Shields wrote that we librarians were at a crossroads. We could embrace the emerging information technology and lead society, Shields wrote, or we could go on "playing dress–up in the attic of civilization."
Gerald Shields, editorializing in ALA Bulletin (December, 1969), stated that
this Round Table "is the catalyst for the renewal of membership involvement
wiht its association." He goes on to say that we now need "a growth in the
development of professional responsibility to ourselves and the changing
society we so eagerly want to serve."--SRRT: First Communique, March 13, 1969 (ALA Archives. Reprinted in
_Activism in American Librarianship, 1962-1973_, edited by Mary Lee
Bundy and Frederick J. Stielow, Greenwood Press, 1987.)
Also in Library Juice 4:7.
For more information on Shields see Librarian blog.