
Second Life Resources-For Librarians

Second Life website.

Join University of South Florida School of Library & Information Science discussion group: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/SLLofTB/

NYTimes on SL-January 7, 2007.

SLT stands for Second Life Time, which the inworld clock displays near the top-right corner of the screen. Second Life Time is the same as Pacific Time (PDT or PST depending), because San Francisco is where the main offices of Linden Lab, makers of Second Life, are situated.

FAQ (Knowledge Base).

For Librarians:

USF Locations (SLURLs)

USF-SLIS Building:

For Drew's office:

For any other location in Cybrary City, just replace the three coordinates (56, 56, 24), with the coordinates you need. Example, since SLIS is at 95, 41, 24 (just outside the front door).

"Developing Library Services in Second Life" by Lori Bell, Tom Peters, and Kitty Pope.
Alliance Library System started the Second Life Library project in April 2006 in response to a shift in people of all ages from media consumers to media creators. They are all spending more time on the Internet and they want to create and contribute, not just consume.


The blog: InfoIsland.org

The Discussion Group: alliancesecondlife:A group to work on and discuss library services in Second Life virtual reality game

The USF-SLIS Library School at Second Life [TampaBay] discussion group: SLLofTB


Links to resources mentioned in “Second Life for Librarians” article "in-press" for Florida Libraries 2007:

Note: Links with SLurls (Second Life URLs) will send you to a Second Life location if you have the software installed on the computer you are using. The Second Life web site has some basic information for users about tools and resources. In addition, search “Second Life” on YouTube (http://youtube.com) for “how to do it” videos and records of events on Second Life.

General Information:

Second Life http://secondlife.com

SimTeach Wiki: Second Life Institutions and Organizations

Second Life Libraries resources:

InfoIsland.org blog (Second Life Library information)

Second Life Library/ The SL Library 2.0 Worksite blog (includes a link to a calendar of library-related events, library workgroup meetings, etc.)

Second Life Library

Second Life Medical Library and Consumer Health Library

Caldeon Branch Library

State Library of Kansas
http://slurl.com/secondlife/cybrary city/194/67/24/

USF Building: Cybrary City:

University of South Florida, School of Library and Information Science
To join the SLLofTB discussion list:
(Yahoo! ID required)

Examples of educational uses and educational events on Second Life:

SimTeach: Top 20 Educational Locations on Second Life

Harvard University. CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/cyberone/

Global Kids, Inc.

Global Kids Digital Media Initiative blog

Sarah Robbins. Intellagirl blog

Casablanca. Wales & Johnson University.

Idaho Bioterrorism Awarenessand Preparedness Program. Play2Train http://play2train.hopto.org/

International SpaceFlight Museum. Spaceport Alpha

Star Trek Museum of Science

U C Davis: Virtual Hallucinations

Heart Murmur Sim (Jeremy Kemp)

Ilene Frank, January 2, 2007

Drew Smith: Why Second Life?"

When I announced the recent Civil War presentation in SL on the
genealogy librarians list, one of the GENEALIB subscribers responded
to the list with a negative comment, so I thought I would share with
you all my response to her comment, below:


-----Original Message-----
From: Drew
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:19 PM
To: 'Librarians Serving Genealogists'
Subject: RE: [Genealib] Library-sponsored genealogy workshops in
Second Life

Linda writes: "I have a hard enough time dealing with reality
than subjecting myself to an imaginary life."

Drew Smith: Why Second Life?"

While the name "Second Life" might suggest an imaginary life, the
truth is that Second Life is nothing more than a new communications
tool. For those of us who remember the earliest days of online
services such as CompuServe and America Online, we remember having
"screen names" that were used to exchange e-mail and instant messages
and to participate in chat rooms. Just as each of us has one or more
phone numbers that represent us, and one or more e-mail addresses,
3-D representations in Second Life are just another digital
representation of ourselves that facilitates communication.

As genealogists and librarians, we spend nearly every day "going" to
web "sites", as if web sites were actual places and as if we were
actually moving somehow to reach them. And we don't give it a second
thought that we're using "going" and "sites" for things that aren't
exactly physical. Second Life uses the same metaphors, although the
3-D imagery causes it to more closely resemble its physical

In Second Life, you will find a re-creation of the New Orleans Saint
Louis Cemetery Number One. Any genealogist with enough time and
interest could re-create their favorite local cemetery in Second
giving those who can't easily travel to the real cemetery the
opportunity to visit the re-creation and get some idea of what the
cemetery looks like. And in Second Life, the virtual stones could be
linked to actual photos and to web pages that document the lives of
the deceased.

Second Life won't be for everyone, just as not everyone is into
creating web pages or using electronic mailing lists. But it joins
our repertoire of communication tools that let people (such as
genealogists and librarians) communicate with each other.

Drew aka "Drew Rodinia"


Second Life for educators:

"Real learning in a virtual world"
Byline: Gregory M. Lamb Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
Date: 10/05/2006

They may be college teachers and students, but they're also pioneers -exploring strange new worlds that exist nowhere on Earth. That's because their classes and field trips take place only on computers, using an online digital world called Second Life (http://secondlife.com/). Some 60 schools and universities have set up shop inside Second Life - most in the past year. They join a population that includes real-world business people, politicians, entertainers, and more than 800,000 other "residents"of the virtual world. For the first time this fall, a Harvard University class is meeting on its own "Berkman Island" within Second Life (SL).
"Avatars," visual images that represent the students and teachers, gather in an "outdoor" amphitheater, head inside a virtual replica of Harvard Law School's Austin Hall, and travel to complete assignments all over the digital world. ...."Education is actually growing to become a very significant part of how SL is used," says John Lester, community and education manager at Linden Lab, the San Francisco-based company that owns and operates Second Life, now in its third year.