
Madness of Bush; Counter Library Needed

Joe Conason writes in Salon [12-1-06] about "The Madness of George," noting "The president's likely refusal to pursue the diplomatic solutions recommended by the Iraq Study Group is simply senseless."

Every day Bush seems to get worse. The library being planned for him intends to buy scholarship that will spin his presidency into something it wasn't.

I like these observations by John Mashak in U.S. News:

Library planners will have to be miracle workers to put any kind of positive face on the occupation.

Bush's single-mindedness and steady intransigence on dealing with this situation have led the nation into one of its darker hours. It is nothing but horrific in terms of blood and treasure.

This library, wherever it is situated, should save a room to be dedicated to President Warren G. Harding. Historians in general have rated him our nation's worst president. He was blind to the corruption and scandals in his tenure.

For my mind, Bush is in direct competition with Harding for his handling of the war and in turning so much of the world against the United States.