
National Dialogue on the Curriculum of Readiness for the 21st Century Librarian

Faculty teaching in programs of library and information science education are 80 percent White.
The other 20 percent of the faculties are less than 1 percent American Indian; 5.9 percent African-American; 3.9 percent Latino; and 9.8 percent Asia or Pacific Islander.
Master's degrees granted as listed in the most recent data from the Association for Library and Information Science Education indicate 77.1 percent of reporting graduates were White.

The American Library Association Office for Diversity
announces an upcoming conference in Chicago focusing on recruitment of students from under-represented backgrounds.

National Dialogue on the Curriculum of Readiness for the 21st Century Librarian

Tuesday, June 28, 2005, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

This summit, co-sponsored by the Institute of Museum and Library Services seeks to bring together leaders in Library and Information Science education with practitioners representing a variety of library types and settings. During this one day program participants will engage in structured and open discussion of needed reform in and enhancements to current LIS education and pedagogy with special attention paid to the recruitment and education of students from underrepresented backgrounds. Break-out sessions will be organized around selected topics of concern. As an end product of the summit, participants will generate a set of formal recommendations that shall be incorporated in a published report to be disseminated to the profession in print and online. The summit will be facilitated by ALA Office for Diversity staff, members of the Spectrum Advisory Committee, and program consultants Jos‚ Aponte and Dr. Ethelene Whitmire. Invitations to representatives of relevant institutions have been disseminated. Tickets: Individuals wishing to attend this full day event should contact Tracie Hall in the ALA Office for Diversity at thall@ala.org or (800)545-2433 ext 5020. Do not use the registration form for this event.